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The Christian FunChristian and spiritual fun is a certain way of retaining fellowship and having constant companionship with God as a Christian. It took God time and wisdom to create the earth. He mad

- By Elizabeth Huston789
Publish Date : 2021-04-19 10:35:00
The Christian FunChristian and spiritual fun is a certain way of retaining fellowship and having constant companionship with God as a Christian. It took God time and wisdom to create the earth. He mad

Christian and spiritual fun is a certain way of retaining fellowship and having constant companionship with God as a Christian. It took God time and wisdom to create the earth. He made it for a purpose. Just like a man, that works as a civil servant or businessman for some particular years. After such labor, work, and commitment, he then has to enjoy what he had sown by retiring, so also to God. He retired and put man in charge. He made the earth; the water, land and air, with their inhabitants. He didn't made them so that the earth would be empty or void, but that he will derive glory, enjoyment, pleasure on the things He made. In order to achieve this purpose, His presence physically and not only spiritually has to be here on earth. God then has to create man originally in His own image and likeness, so that everything man does will He benefits. So man is God on earth, and was made to be like God and with God.

Man was the last creature of God. God automatically committed everything in his authority. God didn't let man stay alone, but his presence and spirit was with ma daily. Man in turn giving account of what he is doing with God's business (earth). Man also was created originally to give God glory, honor, enjoyment, and pleasure by the things he does, and man in the same measure takes pleasure from his activities and from the presence of God, which the writer termed Christian fun. Today, man has definitely lost this pleasure we derive from doing the will of God on earth, because when God cannot take our sacrifice of worship, we can't benefit from it. Man lost it when sin was introduced on earth. Sin stands as barrier between God and man. They both become parallel lines that can't touch each other. The works of man become abomination before God. Man was driven from the place he was with God to the place where he was far from God. But the good news is that, when man lost the way, God automatically made a sure way of restoration of the helpless man to be restored again. He has to sacrifice His only begotten son (Jesus Christ) for the atonement of man's sin and redemption from bondages. Then man now is restored from hell to heaven and back to the business of giving God glory.





Christian as the name implies; is that person that believes on the teaching of Christ, and him as the Son of God. Accepting him in your life', to be a new person or a born-again. The early disciples of Jesus Christ, the followers of Christ, were first known Christian. They were first called Christians, because of the Christ -likeness in their manna of conversation. So their life's, activities gave God every desired glory and much pleasure for their benefits. The bible said, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father (God) in heaven. Religion is all about belief. Fun here is enjoyment, pleasure, a playful behavior, good humor or something amazing that provides pleasure. Fun is one of the benefits we have as God's image. To give us the benefit of doubt, giving God glory makes one healthy.

God made us in the way that we too could have pleasure as he does, and have some enjoyment He created within us. But this time around, there are some activities of man, almost all, which he said provides fun, that are really contrary to Gods will i.e. there are sin before God. People no longer see fun as the way God sees it. Some people take pre -marital sex or infidelity as fun. Some gets their fun through alcoholic drinks, while some went on robbery to make fun. People become a terror to the community just for fun. Some wear indecent dressing for fun. Some people sees going to night party, joining secret cult/occult, fighting and causing problems as funs. If you go down the street or way, and ask any young person, why are you painting the town red, or behaving abnormal? He or she will answer, "I am just catching some fun. But these are some activities the devil himself has introduced to man, outside the will of God. They are never true fun, because there's no enjoyment on them, rather momentary enjoyment and pleasure. An activity of a sinner gives him the pleasure and enjoyment, even honor, but don't have any pleasure to accord to God. Such people are never fulfilling the assignment God gave by allowing them to be in this planet earth.

Some of the justifiable fun human derived from their activities, which may not give God glory when they are done by a wrong person or on the wrong way/motive and time: they could be sports; which is a physical or mental activity done for exercise and pleasure, usually in a special area and according to fixed rules, also excitements. Sporting is legal, but some sporting gives them the pleasure and their desired motive, but doesn't give God any of such. Why? Because God is not interested in any activities that are done with sin, using various crooked way like bribery, supernatural powers, drugs etc because of the wealth and fame it gives. Some fun could be business, traveling, reading, chatting, story telling or folktales, friendship etc. but this all will apices God if the one is doing them in the right w ay. Remember every work/activity done by a righteous person gives God pleasure.

There are some activities God wants a Christian to be involve in, that gives Him pleasure, enjoyment, glory and honor, apart from the one mentioned above, these are the fundamentals, such as studying the bible, allowing the spirit of God to guide and teach you His word, abiding in Gods wisdom, singing spiritual songs, like psalms and hymns, and being join in the gathering of the true believers (Church). These are some of the major Christian funs that attract the presence of God in a man. There are many songs today, worldly, Christian/spiritual songs and song with some definite meaning, as an emblem or as an anthem. Their differences are measured by the source of material, composer, meaning and their influence to the listener. Some songs in the circular world like reggae, disco, love songs etc have negative effect to the listener out there, because the source and purpose or the artists of the song may not be genuine. The artist may be drug addicts, robber or a terror. That is the reason why many youths life are ruin, and why we have much drug addicts, and prostitute, and indecent dressing in the society today. Every youth wants to behave like them, talk like them and even dress or act as they do. Remember if you show me your friend I will tell you who you are. That is why it is good for a Christian to isolate oneself from the world, because the world has nothing to offer to you. We may be in the world, but we are not of the world. Spiritual songs and activities gives God His desire purpose, and for the benefit of man. We all are the temples of the Holy Spirit, so God is interested towards our output. Reading His word remind us of whom God is and His ability to do all things (supremacy and sovereignty). He is what He will always be. Any Christian that acts with God's wisdom overcomes the traps of this wicked world.

God knows why He advice every Christian towards these activities, we are inhaling sin and evil, in everywhere we are, so in order to get over this evils of life, we need Him to inspire us by His spirit and grace. And we can realize this by praising God, singing melodies, reading His word and engaging on other spiritual work like praying and in services. There're some benefits to crown it mildly, we take pleasure in worshipping God. Any man that has the spirit of God is always a threat to devils kingdom and cannot be the devils workshop, because where ever the spirit of God is, there's liberty. We heal our psychosomatic problems whenever we engage in the activities that give God glory. An example is when King Saul in the bible, when he was inflicted with an evil spirit, melody and instrument has to cure him. God still wants to interact with human as it was in the Garden of Eden at the beginning. He still needs a human buddy and an instrument to use.

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