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Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers

- By charlo
Publish Date : 2021-04-12 11:25:41
Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers

Q: How do you present a new software quality assurance process?
A: It depends on the size of the organization and the risks involved. For large companies with high-risk projects, serious management buy-in is required and a formal quality assurance process is needed. For mid-size organizations with a low risk projects, management and organization, and a slower sale, step-by-step process is necessary. In general, the quality assurance process balanced with productivity so that the bureaucracy to keep the hand. For small groups or projects, an ad-hoc process is more appropriate. Much depends on team leaders and managers, information for developers and good communication are essential to customers, managers, developers, test engineers and testers. Regardless of the size of the company, the largest value of the effort is the management process required, where the goal is that the requirements are clear, complete and verifiable.

Q: What is the role of documentation in QA?
A: Documentation plays an important role in quality. quality assurance practices should be documented so they are repeated. Specifications, drawings, business rules, inspection reports, configurations, code changes, test plans, test cases, bug reports, all manuals documented. Ideally, a system for acquiring and easily find documents and determine which document will be a certain piece of information. Using the Change Manager of the material, if possible.

Q: What is a good test engineer?
A: Test engineers have a quality "test to break" attitude. We, good test engineers, take the perspective of the client has a strong desire for quality and attention to detail. Tact and diplomacy are useful in maintaining a cooperative relationship with developers and the ability to communicate with technical and nontechnical people. Previous software development experience is also useful because it can have a thorough understanding of the software development process, provides the test engineer an appreciation for the developer point of view and reduce the learning curve in developing automated test tool. Rob Davis is a good test engineer because he has a "test to break" attitude, taking the perspective of the customer, have a strong desire for quality, an eye for detail, it is also tact and diplomacy and good communication skills, both orally and in writing and had previous experience in software development, also..

Q: What is a test plan?
A: A software project test plan is a document that describes the objectives, scope, approach and focus of a software testing effort. The process of preparing a test plan is a useful way to think through the efforts needed for the acceptability of a software product to validate. The completed document will help people outside the test group understand the why and how of product validation. It must be comprehensive enough to be useful, but not deep no tests outside the group will be able to read Software Testing.

Q: What is a test case?
A:A test case is a document that describes an input, action or event and its outcome to determine whether a characteristic of an application properly. A test case should contain particulars such as a...
• Test case ID;
•Name of test cases;
•Test conditions and setup;
•The data entry requirements and steps, and




•Expected results. Please note that the process of developing test cases can help find problems in requirements or design application, because it forces you to completely think through the operation of the application. For this reason, it is useful to prepare test cases early in the development cycle if possible.

Q: What happens when a bug is found?
A: When an error is found, it must be communicated and assigned to developers who can address. Having solved the problem, then solved again tested. In addition, measures are taken regarding requirements, software, hardware, safety impact, etc., for regression testing to check the fixes did not make other problems elsewhere. If a system of tracking problem is in place, it must encompass these determinations. A variety of commercial software tools available problem-tracking/management. These tools, with the participation of detailed software test engineers, give the crew information so developers can understand the mistake, getting an idea of its seriousness, reproduce and solve.

Q: What is configuration management?
A: Configuration management (CM) covers the tools and processes used to oversee and coordinate the code, requirements, documentation, troubleshooting, change requests, drawings, tools, compilers, libraries, monitors, fixes, changes to them and make any changes. Rob Davis has experience with a full range of CM tools and concepts, and can easily adapt to your software needs.

Q: What if the software is so buggy it can not be verified?
A: In this situation, it is best to have test engineers go through the process of reporting errors or problems that first arose with the emphasis on critical errors. Since this type of problem can have serious consequences schedules and indicate deeper problems in the software development process as unit tests is inadequate, insufficient integration testing, poor design, poor construction or release procedures, managers must be notified and provided with documentation evidencing Software Testing

Q: What if there is not enough time for thorough testing?
A: As it is rarely possible to all possible aspects of an application, all possible combination of events to test all the dependents, or whatever was wrong, risk analysis is, is suitable for most software development projects. Use risk analysis to determine where testing should be addressed. This decision requires skill, savvy and experience. The list should include the following questions:

•What features are most important destination of the project?
•What features are most visible to the user?
•What function has the largest impact of security?
•What function has the greatest financial impact on users?
•What aspects of the application is very important for the customer?
•What aspects of the application can be tested at the beginning of the development cycle?
•Which parts of the code is more complex and therefore more prone to errors?
•Which parts of the application is developed in advanced mode or panic?
•Which aspects of similar / related previous projects had problems?
•Which aspects of similar / related previous projects had large maintenance expenses?
•Which parts of the requirements and design are unclear or poorly thought out?
•What developers think the biggest risk of the question?
•What kind of problems leads to the worst publicity?
•What kind of problems that caused the most complaints about customer service?
•What kinds of tests could easily cover multiple functions?
•What tests has the best high-risk coverage ratio of time?

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