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How To Pass Psychometric Tests

- By charlo
Publish Date : 2021-04-12 11:09:20
How To Pass Psychometric Tests

There's no two ways about it, the most effective way in which you can prepare for psychometric tests is to carry out lots of sample test questions. This type of test preparation is called 'deliberate' and 'repetative' action. The more you do of the same thing, the more competent you will become.

Psychometric tests are being used more commonly by employers to filter out potential applicants for certain careers. Therefore, it is crucial that you take the time to work on improving your ability to pass these tests as the higher scores you get, the more chance there will be of you being invited along to interview.

Here are a few important tips for you to consider:

• It is important that, before you sit your test, you find out the type(s) of test you will be required to undertake. You should also take steps to find out of the tests will be timed and also whether or not they will be 'multiple-choice' based questions. If the tests that you will be required to undertake are timed and of multiple-choice in nature, then I strongly advise that you practice this type of test question.



• Variety is the key to success. Even if you are only required to sit one type of test, for example numerical reasoning, I still recommend that you attempt a variety of different test questions, such as verbal reasoning, fault analysis, spatial reasoning and mechanical reasoning etc. This will undoubtedly improve your overall ability to pass the test that you are required to undertake.

• Confidence is an important part of test preparation. Have you ever sat a timed test and your mind goes blank? This is because your mind is focused on negative thoughts and your belief that you will fail the test. If you practice plenty of test questions under timed conditions then your confidence will grow. If your confidence is at its peak at the commencement of the test then there is no doubt that you will actually look forward to sitting it, as opposed to being fearful of the outcome.

• Whilst this is a very basic tip that may appear obvious, many people neglect to follow it. Make sure that you get a good night sleep the night before your assessment. Research has shown that those people who have regular 'good' sleep are far more likely to concentrate better during psychometric tests.

• Try practicing test numerical test questions in your head, without writing down your workings out. This is very difficult to accomplish, but it is excellent practice for the real test. Also, practice numerical reasoning tests without a calculator. If you are permitted to use a calculator at the test, make sure you know how to use one!

• You are what you eat! In the week prior to the test eat and drink healthily. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol and food with high fat content. The reason for this is, is that all of these will make you feel sluggish and you will not perform at your peak. On the morning of your assessment eat a healthy breakfast such as porridge and a banana.

• Drink plenty of water, always! This will help to improve your concentration levels when it comes to sitting your psychometric test.

• If you have any special needs that need to be catered for ensure you inform the assessment centre staff prior to the assessment day. I have met people in the past who are fearful of telling the assessment staff that they are dyslexic. You will not be treated negatively; in fact the exact opposite. They will give you extra time in the tests which can only work in your favour.

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