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A brief guide on TRA consumer protection regulation

- By louisrolen
Publish Date : 2021-02-24 11:37:26
A brief guide on TRA consumer protection regulation

The telecommunication regulatory authority (TRA) has a solid regulatory instrument framework in place to protect the interests of subscribers. The provisions included in the framework are designed to strengthen the telecom sector of the UAE. Talking of the positive aspects of the protection regulation, there are many. The most prominent ones are enhanced investment in ICT, the readiness of e-services, innovation, and development. Consumer protection regulation attempts to design a framework that will govern the level of scope of services to be provided to the subscribers. To get a more clear idea of the term, keep reading this article.

Policies under consumer protection regulation:

The central point of all the policies is common; to ensure a solid framework that will govern consumers' services. The regulation is based on certain policies. Let's discuss them one by one.

  • Directory Information Policy: The policy requires the licensee to provide directory information while assigning telephone numbers. Licensees are obligated under this point to the provision of directory information.
  • Price Transparency Policy: The Licensees should ensure transparency in prices.
  • Consumer Complaints and Disputes Procedures: What practices are recommended when a dispute occurs? This point covers all the legal standards to cope with customer disputes and complaints.
  • Marketing and Communication Practices Policy: Points covering the marketing perspectives in the ICT will be discussed under this heading.

The policies have long been in practice and are ensuring a strong ICT framework in the UAE. TRA Type Approval is the pillar of this framework since it is providing transparency in the equipment used.

Key Points of discussion:

Following are some of the key aspects that are worth mentioning here. Let's dive into it without any further ado.

1. Subscribers Information Privacy:

Subscribers' data is confidential to the regulatory bodies, hence taken care of. The body has devised this tool of confidentiality for users. Under these points, the licensees are required to use strict security measures to protect subscribers' data. Key issues to discuss in this section are:

  • Licensees should ask for the consent of the user before sharing their data with any directory. Subscriber consent is necessary when the licensee intends to share confidential information with any third party.
  • User information should only be used for the purpose it has been obtained for. Other than the core purpose, the licensee must not use the subscriber data.
  • Under the privacy protection practices, only authorized personnel can have access to subscribers' data.
  • Licensees should not ask for any personal information of the user. Information that would be of least interest to the service provider.

2. Provision of Information to users:

The regulation mandates the licensees to provide accurate information to the subscribers. The reason behind this valid provision is to ensure customers make informed decisions. Under the rule, the licensees are required to take reasonable steps for correct information. Some of the steps are:

  • Licensees should provide a written document incorporating information about terms and conditions.
  • Any limitations and restrictions must be provided in writing to new and current subscribers.
  • Prices may vary under specific circumstances. The licensee should provide such information in a documented form.
  • Some consumers avail standard services with varying terms and conditions. Such information must also be pre-revealed to the subscribers.

All these pieces of information are intended to educate the users about the terms, conditions and different prices of the services. They are facilitated to make an informed decision before opting for a specific service.

Read also: Types of Fiber Optic Cables

3. Customers complaint Regulation:

Most clients confront issues and register their complaints either on-call or the portal. To tackle such complaints and disputes, TRA has a solid strategy in place. points of discussion under this heading are:

  • Licensee should provide information to users, informing them about the dispute and complaint policies in practice.
  • Licensees should also ensure that customers with disabilities reach out to the complaint portal or complaint point.
  • If a customer complains for the first time or after a long time, the licensee should at least provide him/her with one free complaint registration process.
  • Keep the user updated about the status of the complaint and the expected date of the result. At the date of conclusion, clients must be informed about the status and asked for feedback.

Most complaints are related to the quality and status of the telecommunication tools. To ensure safe and sound equipment, licensees should apply for TRA Type Approval. Telecom regulatory Authority personally visits the licensee or affiliates spots to ensure these practices are in place. Their core objective is to attain consumer protection in all aspects.

Read also: Frequently Asked Questions about Type Approval

Approve your Equipment with TRA approval:

Telecom and radio equipment in UAE are useless unless a regulatory body approves them. You don't need to search out for one since TRA bodies are here to help. Consult them and make sure your equipment is valid and ready to use.

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