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Health and Fitness: Aerobics Cardio Article Category

- By jonathan96987878
Publish Date : 2021-02-10 09:24:47
Health and Fitness: Aerobics Cardio Article Category

Should You Do Cardio Exercise Before or After Strength Training?

by Dr. Christopher C Weaver, D.C

So you understand the importance of both cardio and strength training, yet should you perform cardio before or after strength training in order to maximize the benefits? This article looks at the benefits of performing cardiovascular exercise prior to and after resistance training.

Pool HIIT Workout

by Margot Rutigliano

Pool HIIT is a fantastic way to get in a high intensity workout without the impact on the body. Indoor or outdoor pools can provide a perfect place for this pool HIIT workout and can be done any time of the year.

7 Keys to Good Health by Good Breathing

by Dr Edward Brell PhD

A very common slogan among asthma sufferers is "When you can't breathe, nothing else matters", alluding to the desperateness of one who can't inhale the life-giving air. Is life-giving air the full story on breathing? This article takes common breathing advice and gives reasons for its efficacy. It goes further and provides essential elements in breathing technique for better health.

Cardio Fitness for the Aged Person

by Norma Holt

One needs to understand the pressure put on the heart and lungs by overweight and lack of exercise. Both these are pertinent to people who are over 70 years because many tend to sit back, eat more, and indulge themselves in table games or, like me, on the computer. Hours of sitting is extremely unhealthy and one day a voice inside me told me to join a gym.

Determining Exercise Intensity

by Blair Henderson

This article examines intensity levels of aerobic exercise and provides instruction on how to determine your intensity level. It also provide insight on the benefits on the various intensities and the risks associated with each.

How Do Cardio Exercises Improve the Quality and Quantity of Life?

by Shumriaz Shahid

Individuals who are entering the Golden Years of their lives should exercise more - not less. The benefits of aerobic exercise cannot be understated, especially during the senior years of one's life. Here are some reasons to remind everybody that exercise is an essential part or component of a healthy lifestyle. The benefits are truly astounding:

Regular Sessions in Cardiovascular Exercises

by Sonnie McLemore

Regular sessions in the cardiovascular area improve the health of your heart and lungs. It also helps your heart and lungs to function properly; therefore it is called as "cardio." Cardiovascular exercise promotes loss of body fat.

Three Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

by Pete Stout

High intensity interval training offers many advantages over standard workout regimens. Learn why you should start integrating these workouts into your workout schedule.

Home Fitness DVDs Are Valuable Exercise Tools

by Sergi Trump

Since the days Jane Fonda and her group of leotard-sporting, leg-warmer-wearing exercisers on VHS-that's Video Home System for those of you under the age 25-exercisers have loved the convenience of working out at home. VHS has now long gone the way of the dinosaur, but home fitness fanaticism is still alive and well. Home fitness DVDs are a viable option for those who don't have a gym membership.

Can't You Make Regular Exercise Compulsory In Your Daily Life?

by Bhaswati C Mukherjee

An active aerobic exercise program implies more hectic work for the heart and lungs as you work out like during dance moves. The anaerobic indicates the compulsion for the heart and lungs to work harder like in bodybuilding. The aerobic idea of being a living entity in the presence of oxygen is a heartening sensation indeed and should provide the motivation to strive for better health and a positive lifestyle. The awe associated with extreme achievements like body building is the work of champions but the great majority of common folks would readily swallow the bitter pill of aerobics.

Guide to Cardio Exercises - The Outdoor Workout

by Sam Kithuka

Leading a sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on the body. To improve your cardiovascular health, you need to engage in cardio exercises.

What Is the Best Cardio For Weight Loss?

by Russell Leggette

While cardio plays an important role in weight loss, this should be combined with proper diet if the long-term benefits are still to be achieved and maintained. In fact the right diet is a key factor while trying to cut weight and improve your overall health. However, when it is combined with the right cardio exercises for weight loss as well as weight training programs, the combination will bear more fruits.

Your Guide for an Aerobics Workout

by Sameer Siddiqui

Aerobics is an intense workout which gives you massive results, but only if you do it patiently and regularly. It's really important to dedicate your time and energy positively to attain the desired results when you start with such a workout regime.

The Best Cardio for a Fat Free Life

by Victoria Johnson

Studies have shown that exercising for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week produces the most beneficial results. The thing is, that exercise can cover a huge range of activities provided that your heart rate is raised to a suitable level for your age and remains at that level for the majority of the exercise period.

Is Cardio Good, and Is HIIT Better?

by Joan Kent

The debate on cardio vs high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has sparked many discussions. This article covers some of the basics of the debate, and challenges a few commonly held notions about both cardio and training intervals.

How a Trampoline Can Help Improve Your Fitness

by Mathew Hampson

Trampolines aren't just a toy for the kids, they actually are a highly efficient form of cardiovascular exercise. Research shows you can burn more calories on a trampoline than jogging.

Steady State, HIIT, Or LISS Cardio? What Are They And What Do They Mean?

by Cole Dowell

What is HIIT? What is LISS? What is steady state? Trying to keep up with the newest fitness trends is a challenge these days. Today I would like to clear up a few of the most common types of cardio. Ever been exhausted from walking up stairs or doing yard work? Starting some form of cardio is bound to improve your everyday life. Doing cardio has been known to help depression, anxiety, and many other health factors that many of us suffer from daily. Being an online personal trainer I custom tailor exercise programs for my clients based off their fitness goals.

A Guide To Cardio Training

by Eyo U Asanga

Every person who wants to achieve weight loss desires a cardio program that will help him or her achieve this goal. After undertaking this program for a while, it is common for every person to wonder if the training is actually effective in reaching his or her objectives. If you think the cardio program is not as effective as you want it to be, it is time to make some modifications and take the necessary steps to achieve your weight loss goals. There is no doubt that cardiovascular exercises are one of the best methods to help burn fats from your body. However, most people do not have a clue on what is included in such type of a training program. This is the purpose of this article.

Why Crush Cardio Activity Is the Worthy One!

by Sameer Siddiqui

Looking to cut fat, lose some weight and tone your body? Is a trip to the gym nothing but a monotonous, dull hour spent in the cardio section?

Did You Know You Already Have A Six Pack?

by Rashmi V Jolly

Did you know you already have a six pack? You already have a six pack.. You just can't see it!






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