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DNA Testing Cost - What Affects The Cost Of DNA Testing?

- By boyd
Publish Date : 2021-04-12 06:51:52
DNA Testing Cost - What Affects The Cost Of DNA Testing?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid, (DNA) testing has been around for quite a long time. It is quite difficult to really come out and give a standard or exact figures when it comes to DNA testing cost. The application of DNA analysis testing has been of immense help to lots of people. It has helped resolved lots of paternity issues, bringing reassurance and peace to lots of homes. DNA analysis and testing has also been employed to helped solve complicated crimes, in forensic testing, to bring die hard criminals to book. This is just to name but a few of the areas where this advancing technology has been applied.

However, this great technology is not cheap. There are a lot of factors that can affect the cost of a DNA paternity test. Even though it is far cheaper to get any type of test nowadays compared to a couple of decades ago, it is still quite expensive for some people to afford. As such those people even though might critically need a test to help resolve and issue, they may decide against it. Factors that may affect the cost of testing include but not limited to the following:

1. The Type of Test
There are different types of tests for different purposes. However, basically, we can group all of them into two types of testing: (1) Normal testing and (2) Legal testing. A normal test such as a paternity or siblingship testing is much less costly compared to a court ordered test. Basically the reliability of the test results are pretty much the same in every instance of testing, but the extra expenses that accompanies a legal test, makes it more expensive. For a legal test, there is usually a third party that is appointed by the law courts to oversee the accuracy of the test results due to the implications of the results.



2. The Number of People to be Tested
It is quiet obvious that the more people that will be required to be tested, the higher that cost that is to be expected. If for example paternity testing is to be carried out, the cost will be proportionate to the number of men to be tested. The cost also increases for tests such the genealogy and ancestry testing as it usually involves testing more subjects.

3. The Testing Center Being Used
Different certified testing centers would charge different amounts for their services. Wherever you finally decide to get your testing from, it is important to find a testing center with a reputation of high accuracy. The results of a faulty test can have untold consequences for your family and all involved. In the USA and Canada, the cost of getting a test is comparatively lower than elsewhere. This is because paternity and other forms of testing are more common in North America than say Europe or Asia.

4. Results for standard testing are usually available within a week - (3-5 business days). However, if the results are needed quicker than the established duration for delivery, then obviously the cost will go up. In some instances if results are need in a day or two, the cost of the entire testing could even double the standard testing due to the extra amount of money needed to be paid. The cost of standard, regular testing is estimated to be between $100 and $200.

The test itself will usually cost less than $50 in most laboratories. However, what makes the cost go up is the testing lab fees that are added. Here in the United States, as you move from state to state, there are different tax laws and other fees. Henceforth you would notice that a genealogy test that cost say $200 in Illinois may cost less or more in a different state.

It quite obvious that it's almost impossible to put a singular price tag on DNA testing cost. These are some of the factors that will affect the cost of your testing. It is recommended to speak to at least a couple of testing companies. Make comparisons against the points discussed in this article and then make your decision where you would want to have the test done.

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