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It does not matter who you are or where you came

- By krishnakirchoff
Publish Date : 2021-05-19 07:55:06
It does not matter who you are or where you came

Does it make a difference whether you further your education beyond high school? Conquering further education

It does not matter who you are or where you came from because if you don't have a skill that an employer or a person needs and willing to pay for, you are unlikely to make a decent living. It is most important that you acquire some form of further education beyond high school unless you attended a vocational/technical high school where you earned a certificate certifying that you learned a marketable skill. Whether you attend a vocational/technical high school, enter the military or attend a college for a one-year certificate, a two-year degree or a four-year degree, the choice is yours. If you don't take one of these options to secure a decent future, you are totally out of your mind. Any type of education that you can attain to improve your chance of living a good life is worth your time and effort.

The time to make these choices/decisions is between the ages of 16 and 22. This is when you create the foundation to build your life, which will affect your children, their children and all future generations. This is the most important period of your life whether you think so or not. Look at any adult in their current circumstances and whether they are successful or struggling to make ends meet, their current status is largely determined by what they did between the ages of 16 and 22. I thank God and my parents every day for giving me the opportunity to create a great life that I enjoy today. All of you can live a great life if you sacrifice some time and effort to create a foundation for the life that you want. If I can do it, so can you.


Do You Have to Pursue a Four-Year College Degree? Conquering College Education
The time to make these choices/decisions is between the ages of 16 and 22. This is when you create the foundation to build your life, which will affect your children, their children and all future generations. This is the most important period of your life whether you think so or not. Look at any adult in their current circumstances and whether they are successful or struggling to make ends meet, their current status is largely determined by what they did between the ages of 16 and 22. I thank God and my parents every day for giving me the opportunity to create a great life that I enjoy today. All of you can live a great life if you sacrifice some time and effort to create a foundation for the life that you want. If I can do it, so can you.

Everyone should pursue some type of education to create a life that is comfortable and rewarding. Pursue your education according to your interest and your interest will dictate whether you need a two-year college education or a four-year college education. You don't have to pursue a four-year education because there many career choices that don't require a four-year college education. To get a four-year college education or better requires ability, commitment, self-discipline, and time management and whether you want to pursue a four-year college degree is a personal decision based on your interests. What you need to do is whatever you and your loved ones think would be a suitable career considering your interest and your ability. Do anything that you can to better your lot in life.

Category : general

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