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7 Tips to Writing an Upper Cervical Patient Newsletter That Gets Read & Gets Responded

- By boyd
Publish Date : 2021-02-24 11:46:01
7 Tips to Writing an Upper Cervical Patient Newsletter That Gets Read & Gets Responded

Writing a monthly newsletter, printing it, and mailing it to your upper cervical patients is one of the most important step you will ever take to market yourself, and keep in constant contact with your upper cervical patients.

No other form of correspondence is more welcome and anticipated and serves to keep you at the top of your patient's mind than a fun, entertaining and educational upper cervical patient newsletter.

But a newsletter doesn't do anybody any good if it isn't getting read and if your patients are not responding to it.

There are 7 keys to ensuring that the newsletter you're sending your upper cervical patients is getting read, and is getting responded to.

First, remind them about what you do.

You can never tell your patients and prospective patients what sets you apart from other chiropractors (your USP) too much. Patients are not thinking about you as much as you think about you, and so they have to be constantly reminded why they should choose you to be their doctor, and they need to be constantly reassured that they made the right decision when they chose you as their chiropractor.

Your monthly newsletter is a perfect way to do this.

You should also utilize the newsletter to tell them about other things you or your clinic offers.

Do you offer ionic foot baths? Do you offer supplements? Do you offer orthotics?

Your monthly patient newsletter is the perfect vehicle for telling your patients in an unobtrusive way about all that you offer.

Second, never be boring.

You want your newsletter to get read, which is why you need to be entertaining. Your patients are not you, they don't think like you, and they certainly don't think about your clinic, except when they need your services, so if all you do is send them information about you and your clinic, and nothing else, they'll soon just start dumping your newsletter in their trash can after a month or two.

You must have light information that is interesting, and you can always twist that information so that it in some way relates to what you do.

Third, your newsletter is not about you.

Even though your newsletter is from you, it's not about you. It's about your patients. How many newsletters have you gotten from a business that is filled with information about what's new in the company, like the latest promotion a person received, or the new hire, etc.

Do you read those things?

Neither do your patients.

You want your patient to look forward to receiving your newsletter, and they will do this if they know that they won't be reading about you.

Fourth, your newsletters must be light, and quickly read.



Remember, you want your newsletter to get read. If it looks like it can be read, and digested in 10 minutes or less, your patients are probably going to read it.

If it looks like it will take more of a time investment than that, it will probably be set aside for later, and eventually end up in the trash, never "gotten to."

Fifth, your newsletters must be printed and mailed.

I know that email now days is ubiquitous, and it is perceived as free. But email is too easily deleted, and often, electronic newsletters are automatically deleted because when people sit down at their computer, they don't want to have their time wasted with stuff that they see as just junking up their inbox.

Email has a very low perceived value, and so it isn't appreciated very much.

With modern day anti-spam software, eNewsletters often never get seen at all, but end up in the spam folder automatically. Worse of all, eNewsletters don't get passed on to friends.

As prominent as the web is these days, there are tons of people who never ever go online; never use email; never have, never will. Your likely missing out on a huge segment of your patients if you only do an eNewsletter.

A printed newsletter, on the other hand, has a high perceived value. It is a tangible object that must be dealt with. It is often passed on to friends as a piece of literature. And everyone receives U.S. Mail.

eNewsletters are OK if they are used as a supplement to your regular monthly printed newsletter, but used alone, eNewsletters are just too risky.

Sixth, your newsletters should make an offer.

If you are going to bother communicating with your current patients, past patients and prospective patients you should take the opportunity to make them an offer. You want the newsletter to work for you, in addition to informing and entertaining your patients.

Offer a free reactivation exam to in active patients.

Offer a free exam to prospective patients.

Offer discounts on your supplements, or other products you carry.

Make up a coupon that the patient has to cut out and bring in, this will increase response by making them do something active.

Seventh, your newsletters must be sent monthly.

This is the most important aspect of an upper cervical patient newsletter, or any newsletter for that matter. It doesn't matter if your newsletter is just a 3x5 postcard, if that's all you want to do, you must be sure that you send it out promptly every 30 days.

Frequency trumps everything.

Your patients must be able to rely on the fact that once a month they will open their mailbox and see correspondence from you.

If you're not going to commit to doing a newsletter every thirty days, then you would be better off not doing one at all because it's just not going to have the same impact.

Quarterly doesn't count.

Twice yearly doesn't count.

Bi-monthly doesn't count.

You must send one out every thirty days.

Frequency trumps everything.

All this takes an enormous amount of time, but it is so worth the time and effort.

Category : general

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