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Cyberpunk 2077s Latest Patch Seems to Have Changed the Weather

- By gatherlies
Publish Date : 2021-04-16 10:03:20
Cyberpunk 2077s Latest Patch Seems to Have Changed the Weather

After its most recent patch, players of Cyberpunk 2077 have noticed the weather in Night City is a little different than they remember.

Cyberpunk 2077 upset a lot of fans when it first launched, when it had lots of bugs, glitches, missing features, and graphics that didn't meet player's expectations. But, the company has already released several patches and hotfixes to smooth out some of the glitches and graphical issues.

CD Projekt Red recently released hotfix 1.21 to fix some stability and progression bugs, but fans have noticed that it's also made Night City a lot more rainy than it used to be. While rain would pour during certain sidequests, it was rare to see during normal gameplay. But that's not longer the case with the new patch, which has made it so rain can occur randomly during gameplay.

A random weather generating program was one of the many selling points of Cyberpunk 2077, although it wasn't included in the final project. It's possible the company wasn't able to finish the feature in time for launch; but CD Projekt Red has no plans to abandon Cyberpunk 2077 now. So the company finished it after launch and as a part of this patch it used the opportunity to put this cut feature back into the game.

This will probably really excite Cyberpunk 2077 players who are fans of the cyberpunk aesthetic. Rainfall, and the neon reflected off of the rain-slicked streets, is one of the most identifying hallmarks of the cyberpunk genre. So this minor change will go a long way into helping players feel immersed, like they just stepped into a living, breathing world of intrigue, danger, and cyberpunk.

7.5 million mods for Cyberpunk 2077 have been downloaded since the game's December 2020 release, which is not necessarily uncommon for popular games. However, when a game is as notorious as Cyberpunk 2077 was, mods are often used to overhaul it. Fans expected a radically different game to the one they received, so when modders got their hands on the game, it was only a matter of time before the title's total remodeling.

In the process of modding the game, the community massively reshaped the title. Command lines, fashion capabilities, NPC behavior, and Cyberpunk 2077's driving all received mod edits. Some of these mods work in a similar way to DSFix, a Dark Souls mod that made the game playable on PC. While many of the popular mods focus on bug fixes and shaders, a lot of the other most-downloaded mods make gameplay or mechanical changes to the title. For example, mods like "Cyber Fashion" allow players to make their V as stylish as possible by making every piece of clothing in the game wearable. A lot of content mods follow this trend, lightly altering elements already in the game to make it more vibrant.

On the other hand, many mods are used to fix gameplay states or bugs. For these mods, a lot of work is done to give players methods of fixing their own specific glitches and errors. A lot of the command line mods that exist for the game have a kind of debugging quality. Despite an extensive Cyberpunk 2077 1.12 patch, the game still has many issues. Glitches in Cyberpunk 2077 have become an almost defining part of the title and its reception.


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