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Captain Marvel Just Received A Magical New Costume

- By pedersenmarvella
Publish Date : 2021-04-24 12:24:53
Captain Marvel Just Received A Magical New Costume

Captain Marvel's quest to learn magic has come with an appropriately spellbinding new costume. In the latest issue of Captain Marvel's ongoing series by Marvel Comics, Carol turns to Doctor Strange to help her learn magic so she can use it to prevent a dark future from happening. Before he can get started showing her the ropes, she's told to wear a new costume that makes her fit in better among his fellow spellcasters.

Carol is determined to learn magic after spending time in a dark future ruled by Ove, the son of Enchantress and Namor, the Sub-Mariner. After seeing a dystopian future Marvel Universe and meeting the next generation of heroes, Carol is returned to the main timeline after Ove also escapes to the present. Now, struck with nightmares of Ove killing billions and the future she saw coming to fruition, Captain Marvel asks Doctor Strange (after they hook-up) to teach her magic.

In Captain Marvel #28 by Kelly Thompson, Jacopo Camagni, Espen Grundetjern, and VC's Clayton Cowles, Carol arrives at the Sanctum Santorum and asks for his help in teaching her magic. Strange isn't interested in taking away one of her only weaknesses (plus it would take decades to learn magic), but after being told of Ove, he reluctantly agrees to help. Strange tells Captain Marvel that where they are going she can't wear her current costume, as she'll stick out like a sore thumb. To avoid standing out, Carol gets a new look, which even impresses Doctor Strange.

Captain Marvel jokingly calls her new costume "all moody and dark," as Doctor Strange agrees "it's not bad." Carol is particularly proud of the hood. All in all, the new costume is pretty fantastic. The red accents and large cape with the hood make her look right at home among other wizards in the Marvel Universe - even if she doesn't know magic. Sadly, after visiting the Bar with No Doors and facing Ove inside her own memories, Carol strikes out on finding someone to teach her magic, which forces her to confront Enchantress.

Carol's quest to learn magic to prevent a dark future isn't looking good - but if there's any consolation prize, at least Captain Marvel looks good in her new costume. The design is relatively simple but is beautifully designed and really fits Carol's personality. If Captain Marvel ever learns magic, she's got the perfect costume to use while casting spells. But, will anyone teach her? That's TBD. Captain Marvel #28 is in stores now.

Deadpool: Samurai by Sanshirou Kasama and Hikaru Uesugi was a massive success for Marvel in 2021, so much so, it became the publisher's most-read series of the year so far. The series transported the Merc with the Mouth back to feudal Japan and saw him interact with other Marvel characters, as well as All-Might from My Hero Academia. Both the first and second chapters of Deadpool: Samurai were reportedly read over a million times each - a massive benchmark, considering the last North American comic to sell over one million copies was 2015's Star Wars #1. While Deadpool: Samurai was free to read on Shonen Jump, the success proved, at the very least, Marvel and manga made for a good combination.



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