Just over seven reasons to buy a robot vacuum cleaner

Author : dumpspanda020
Publish Date : 2021-05-22 07:55:27

The working week is over, but during this time the house has become such a mess that instead of rest it is time to start cleaning. Eh, now, like in a fairy tale, a magic cleaner would appear and do everything himself. Why not? Modern technology can easily replace magic. 

A robot vacuum cleaner is an independent cleaner that autonomously cleans a room on a schedule, builds a map of the premises using sensors and cameras. He monitors the charge level himself and parks at the station to recharge. The robot connects to the home network via Wi-Fi and can remotely communicate with the owner through a proprietary application. The vacuum cleaner has a self-cleaning function. While you are at work, the robot remains with the elder. He works tirelessly, does not come up with excuses and does not lie on the couch in front of the TV . Children and animals are not afraid of him, moreover, some even use a robot vacuum cleaner as a transport.

These arguments are the first and main reason to buy such an assistant. But if this list is not convincing, we will tell you more about why you should not forget about this category of devices.

Daily cleaning

The main enemy of health is polluted air. The concentration of suspended solids in an enclosed space can be much higher than street standards, where the wind prevents dust from settling on planes as intensely as it happens in a calm atmosphere at home. Therefore, cleaning the premises should be carried out every day, or at least once every couple of days.

But, as a rule, the modern way of life does not allow to devote enough time to household chores - everyone has work tasks and time for rest . It turns out to be general in the house no more than once a week, when the dust has already penetrated into all corners, including the flooring and upholstered furniture. One way out is to invite a cleaning service, but then you will have to say goodbye to at least half of your salary. An alternative solution is to buy a robot vacuum cleaner. Spent once - and it will work constantly and for free. At the same time, the robot does not know how to grumble and postpone cleaning "for later".

Calm, only calm! 

While cleaning the room, we are marking time, waving our arms, actively wielding a dusty rag - and lifting the dusty suspension into the air. When cleaning is complete, some of the dust will return to the furniture, table, chairs and floor. Of course, you can vacuum several times, go outside and carefully tap the dusty carpet, then return everything to its place, vacuum it again and do a wet cleaning. It's effective, but time consuming and boring.






Send the Robot Vacuum Cleaner into battle. Small, compact, works precisely and scrupulously, does not create air masses in the room and manages to suck in more dust than it will lift into the air with wheels and vibrations of brushes. Moreover, the suction power of a modern robot is equal to the power of a stationary vacuum cleaner - from 2500 Pa to 3000 Pa. At the same time, it works more efficiently: the speed of movement of the "tablet" is noticeably lower than the speed of the brush used by a person.

Tested: In direct comparison, when cleaning the same area, the robot collects more dust than a stationary vacuum cleaner. At the same time, powerful vortex currents are not created in the room, which lift dirt into the air.

Keeps the eye out

Dust is everywhere in the room. It is dangerous because it can cause an attack of severe allergies or asthma. This is due to the small villi from bed linen and clothes, which irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, or active allergens - pollen and microscopic plant seeds. While cleaning, we unwittingly become hostages of the situation: we directly interact with dust and dirt, which we are trying to get rid of. Someone will not even notice this, but someone will sneeze and itch for another week. But why such sacrifices when you can shift the dirty work to an inanimate object?

The robot vacuum cleaner works quietly in an enclosed space. It does not need a wire, it does not require the presence of a person: the built-in processor and special sensors control the vacuum cleaner. They are responsible for orientation in space, so the vacuum cleaner itself recognizes where it is already clean, and where it is worth taking a ride again. Isn't it happiness when someone does dusty work for us?

Tested: modern robotic vacuum cleaners work autonomously and are controlled remotely via the app. You don't have to constantly check the dust compartment either: the robot will warn you when the container is full.

Around the world on a single charge

They say that the larger the house or apartment, the less often you can clean. This is true, provided that there are no dogs, cats and other pets in the family that shed several times a year and turn life into a daily downy harvest. And then at least two floors, at least four - get out as often as you can. And after a couple of such general cleaning, even a box from the refrigerator will seem more comfortable and practical.

But why this dusty exercise, if you can run one or more robotic vacuum cleaners that will wipe the floors to a mirror shine. Let it be a room with an area of ​​40 square meters or a two-story mansion with rooms of 100 square meters - a modern robot can do anything. For example, Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner 1S works on a single charge for 2.5 hours - during this time it will manage to tidy up 250 square meters of laminate and carpets.

Just add water!

Great news for those who hate rags and buckets - many robot models can vacuum and mop floors at the same time. There are quite inexpensive devices on the market with the "scrubber" function. At the same time, they know how to distinguish between a Persian carpet and an open laminate floor. We clean the dust container, fill the container for water and detergent, install a removable cloth and turn it on. The rest will be done by the technique itself.

The robots are equipped with sensors that understand which surface the device is currently on. If it is a carpet or other covering that does not need wet cleaning, the system lifts the module with a rag, and the vacuum cleaner works only in suction mode. If the sensors have detected that the robot has moved to another surface, the rag returns to its original position and removes the remaining dust after the vacuum cleaner. No more rags, dirty water and mops - just add water to the vacuum cleaner!

Master of Concealment

The hacked page on social networks, the phone number in the scammers' database are nothing compared to the fact that someone finds out about our nightly visits to the refrigerator. And then the robot vacuum cleaner will become a real keeper of secrets.

The robot is controlled remotely and is always ready to dash into battle. He knows how to build a map of the premises using built-in sensors, so you can select the desired room, designate the place of work and send a vacuum cleaner to clean up the "crime scene." No one will know why there are fewer cutlets overnight.

Catagory :world