The Quadratus Lumborum, The Golfers Swing, and Massage Continuing Education

Author : Elizabeth Huston789
Publish Date : 2021-04-19 09:21:26

Has anyone asked you how your Quadratus Lumborum was doing today? Probably never. I doubt your bodyworker/massage therapist ever mentioned it in passing. Well here is some information you should know. It arises by aponeurotic fibers from the iliolumbar ligament and the adjacent portion of the iliac crest for about 5 cm., and is inserted into the lower border of the last 12th rib for about half its length, and by four small tendons into the apices of the four transverse processes of the lumbar vertabrae.

So what does this all mean? Well I guarantee you that if a knowledgeable therapist presses on your and the origins other point rapist whom bore him that you will probably experience some pain. What are its actions? Well, better flexion mainly and little bit of extension what does it do it laterally flexes the lumbar vertebrae really the side of the body and creates a little bit of extension in the lower back. I have heard statistics that 65% of all back pain can be traced to the imbalances the Quadratus lumborum do some more muscle.

If I were looking for course in my quest for continuing education as a massage therapist, I would certainly search out a teacher who would inform you about how to deal with and balance the quadratus lumborum and its attachments to lumbar vertebrae and 12th rib. If they are imbalanced their putting pressure on the disc, if there's pressure on the disc there is pressure on the nerve root, if there's pressure on the nerve root than there is going to be a diminished signal and more than likely ischemic tissue and PAIN.

Golfers experience a lot of lower back pain. They are constantly going into lateral flexion and extension because of the violent swing and the twist. Want to make a lot of money as a massage therapist, find a course that teaches you how to deal with lower back pain. Then apply what you've learned to alleviating the pain in golfers backs. I promise you the any massage course that offers continuing education course in back work, will in fact support your practice for the rest of your life if you can plant the seed within your golf community. I have never met a serious golfer that did not deal with a lower back discomfort and in some cases debilitating back pain. It's a very easy technique to apply when the patient is in prone position or in the side lying posture where you can also deal with a tensor fascia lata muscle and the IT band. As I've mentioned in my previous articles, if you are searching for continuing education as a massage therapist, it is extremely important to learn how to deal with the painful conditions that your client's bring to your massage practice. In my next article I will discuss this psoas muscle and its relationship to the quadratus lumborum. If you learn in a great continuing education course the nine muscular secrets to back pain, your continuing education will be a success, and so will you as a massage therapist..


Has anyone asked you how your Quadratus Lumborum was doing today? Probably never. I doubt your bodyworker/massage therapist ever mentioned it in passing. Well here is some information you should know. It arises by aponeurotic fibers from the iliolumbar ligament and the adjacent portion of the iliac crest for about 5 cm., and is inserted into the lower border of the last 12th rib for about half its length, and by four small tendons into the apices of the four transverse processes of the lumbar vertabrae.

So what does this all mean? Well I guarantee you that if a knowledgeable therapist presses on your and the origins other point rapist whom bore him that you will probably experience some pain. What are its actions? Well, better flexion mainly and little bit of extension what does it do it laterally flexes the lumbar vertebrae really the side of the body and creates a little bit of extension in the lower back. I have heard statistics that 65% of all back pain can be traced to the imbalances the Quadratus lumborum do some more muscle.

If I were looking for course in my quest for continuing education as a massage therapist, I would certainly search out a teacher who would inform you about how to deal with and balance the quadratus lumborum and its attachments to lumbar vertebrae and 12th rib. If they are imbalanced their putting pressure on the disc, if there's pressure on the disc there is pressure on the nerve root, if there's pressure on the nerve root than there is going to be a diminished signal and more than likely ischemic tissue and PAIN.

Golfers experience a lot of lower back pain. They are constantly going into lateral flexion and extension because of the violent swing and the twist. Want to make a lot of money as a massage therapist, find a course that teaches you how to deal with lower back pain. Then apply what you've learned to alleviating the pain in golfers backs. I promise you the any massage course that offers continuing education course in back work, will in fact support your practice for the rest of your life if you can plant the seed within your golf community. I have never met a serious golfer that did not deal with a lower back discomfort and in some cases debilitating back pain. It's a very easy technique to apply when the patient is in prone position or in the side lying posture where you can also deal with a tensor fascia lata muscle and the IT band. As I've mentioned in my previous articles, if you are searching for continuing education as a massage therapist, it is extremely important to learn how to deal with the painful conditions that your client's bring to your massage practice. In my next article I will discuss this psoas muscle and its relationship to the quadratus lumborum. If you learn in a great continuing education course the nine muscular secrets to back pain, your continuing education will be a success, and so will you as a massage therapist.

Catagory :general