Car rental after an accident - The 6 most important points

Author : mavenup1
Publish Date : 2021-07-05 12:26:02

The subject of a rental car after an accident is a classic. The liability insurances are as contentious and unrelenting as with the rental car with almost no damage position. The same questions keep coming up, which is why I am still adding a little bit to my article on what to look out for when renting a replacement car: What can it cost, how long can I rent, what else do I need to know and consider?

In this post, you'll find the answers:

1. When am I entitled to a rental car?

If your car stops driving, you are entitled to a rental car after an accident, regardless of whether it is a repair or a total loss. In these cases, you are entitled to a rental car. If the car has to go to an appraiser for a few hours for emergency repairs or not entirely clear whether the car is still safe to drive, you can also rent a car in Lahore. You can find an equally interesting article on the subject concerning a judgment.

2. after an accident, how long does the insurance company pay for a rental car?

You have the right to a rental car while the repair is being carried out. The appraiser determines how long the repair will take.

In the event of an (economic) total loss, the appraiser will estimate the time that you will probably need to find another car. You will need a rental car for this time. This always shows the advantage of not taking an appraiser from the insurance company. Then with the insurance appraisers, you only need ten days to get a replacement, while a freely chosen appraiser - to which you are entitled - gives you 14 days to look after a replacement vehicle.

3. Rental car without replacement?

It should happen that you can't - or don't want to buy - a replacement car right away. Caution is advised here!

Only a rental car is available to you after an accident if you also have the will to use it. Insurance firms will gladly refuse your claim your choice if you do not invest the money from the insurance company in a replacement car straight away. You can bet that the objection will come from the insurance company. Without a proven replacement, no rental car will be reimbursed. If you then write to the insurance company that you have not yet found a replacement car or want to take your time with it, the broadside will immediately come with the lack of willingness to use it.

4. Notice that pre-financing is not possible

Put up steam with insurance. In your first letter to the insurance company, you make it clear that you cannot just advance the money for the repair or the rental car. Let them know that you will continue to drive the rental car until the insurance company pays.

Logically, this only works if your car is no longer roadworthy.

You have to warn the insurance company that it could get costly if they slow down on regulation. By pointing out that there is no pre-financing option, you are on the safe side. If there are later disputes with the insurance company in court, it is essential that you can prove this. Therefore, please always send this warning to the insurance company in writing, not just mentioning it on the phone.

5. Do I have to charge my credit card?

No, you don't have to, even if insurance companies like to preach this like a prayer wheel.

6. Which rental car am I actually entitled to?

The rental car group is essential. The insurance only pays you a rental car that is in the same vehicle group as your car. Your car rental company will determine the price for the rental car based on the vehicle class. You can find out which group this is from your car rental company or from your expert.

Catagory :general