PlayStation 5s Game Boost Feature Has a New Logo

Author : fussheat
Publish Date : 2021-05-08 13:20:45

PlayStation 5 fans have been continuing to play PS4 titles on their next-gen consoles, and Game Boost is about to improve even more titles. Game Boost itself has received a facelift with a recently unveiled logo which will brand PS5 enhanced backwards compatible titles.

PlayStation recently hinted at titles such as Shadow of the Colossus getting PS5 Game Boost upgrades soon with the logo reveal trailer. God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, and Days Gone are three titles that have already received next-gen upgrades, but Game Boost will be coming to more titles soon.

Game Boost is essentially what PlayStation is calling the visual and performance upgrades that backward compatible PS4 titles receive when PlayStation fans upgrade to the PS5. The new Game Boost logo resembles an arrow firing upwards, or as many fans have noticed, an arrow shooting up similar to the well-known "stonks" meme. The Game Boost logo boxes in the arrow akin to the NBA and MLB logos, encasing their respective professional athletes. Xbox unveiled its Optimized for Series X badge back in May 2020 and the recent Game Boost trailer is PlayStation's unveil of branding that ultimately means the same thing.

Although Shadow of the Colossus was only featured for a fraction of the Game Boost trailer, it confirmed a next-gen upgrade for the fan-favorite action-adventure title. The inclusion of Shadow of the Colossus during the new trailer has caught the attention of several PlayStation fans in the response to the video and is causing speculation on when it will be updated. The Game Boost trailer didn't confirm a release date for the Shadow of the Colossus Game Boost upgrade and no release date has been confirmed since, leaving fans wondering when they'll see the enhancements on PS5.

Considering Shadow of the Colossus has been featured in the PlayStation Plus subscription in the past and it's included in the PlayStation Now lineup, the game may see several fans return once the Game Boost update releases. While several PS4 titles available on PS5 through backward compatibly have received their next-gen upgrade patches, the Game Boost branding may suggest far more titles will receive enhancements. Many fans have taken to the comments and to Twitter to voice which titles should receive Game Boost since the trailer released.

Titles being recommended to receive these next-gen upgrades are primarily Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Uncharted. Considering the long lineup of titles in the PS4 library, there's a treasure trove of games for PlayStation to look at upgrading for the PS5 as more players get their hands on the next-gen console.

Nowadays, consoles are more than just gaming machines. They are all-purpose multimedia devices that are capable of browsing the web, streaming and watching TV show and movies. YouTube, which has recently launched new features to compete with Twitch, is arguably the biggest video sharing site of all, and now it appears as though Sony has added support for YouTube TV to its PS5.

For those who are unaware, YTV is essentially an app by YouTube that allows people to watch live TV shows through their console. This has been a long time coming for PlayStation 5 owners, particularly as both the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S have been able to use the app since they were launched last year.

Catagory :entertainment