Call of Duty: Warzones Map Layout Is More Authentic Than Fans Realize

Author : fanmaas
Publish Date : 2021-05-04 09:51:30

For many fans, the layout of Call of Duty: Warzone can often feel repetitive and fake. Building placement feels unnatural, duplicate structures are common, and many fans have spotted the exact same layouts used across the game. What many Call of Duty: Warzone fans believed was developer error is more natural and real than many fans realize.

Verdansk is set in a foreign country believed to be eastern Ukraine. Many of the buildings and landmarks are designed and inspired by Ukraine architecture which follows a similar pattern to Russian design. Call of Duty: Warzone may have traveled into the past, but that doesn't change the core features that many fans have found throughout the map.

In an image that appears in multiple Reddit threads, a traveler found two identical locations within their trip to Russia. This was quickly shared to Call of Duty: Warzone's community by HanShotFirst18, who was instantly reminded by the Verdansk architecture. In their shock, the player realized that the developers have been accurately portraying Ukraine building designs and street layouts, a fact that many Americans would be unaware of. To make this even more interesting, the building does resemble Verdansk's iconic suburbs, complete with a building featuring a round window. It is interesting that even the signs look similar with their rectangle shape and iconography-based presentation.

Fans were shocked by this realization, with many fans commenting and comparing the images to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Promenade map. Despite the update, the buildings have stayed relatively the same, and the iconic shapes and layout make for a relatively good map design. While it is not identical to the game environment, the resemblance is uncanny when placed side by side.

To make this even more interesting, the original photo's comments state how exceedingly common this is. Russia recycles town layouts resulting in a repetitive design scheme, and in many minor cities, there are similar building layouts with only subtle differences. Call of Duty: Warzone's developers have added another depth of realism that many fans never realized existed.

While Verdansk will continue to evolve, the new map remake has caused many Call of Duty: Warzone players to look closer at the environment. Subtle changes, major errors, and the occasional bugged building are quickly discovered by the community and shared online. Despite spending hours within the in-game environment, players continue to discover astounding connections between the fictional city of Verdansk and real-world locales.

The final circle in Call of Duty: Warzone can be a stressful and intense moment. Players have everything on the line, and in solos, there are no friends to aid in the victory. Call of Duty: Warzone's final circle often ends in an intense fight to the death, but this fan almost lost if it was not for his trusty cargo truck.

Players often refer to the Call of Duty: Warzone cargo truck as "bertha" in their in-game comms. While there are trucks scattered across the map, the vehicle becomes ever more present in Call of Duty: Warzone solo games. When this fan decided to take his opponent down head-on, an unexpected ally saved him from defeat.

Catagory :entertainment